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DARKER THAN BLACK Setting Description

Published: Sunday 25 September, 2016


  • Ten years ago, by the beam penetrating the mystery of the formation of the Earth caliber 10 km unknown. Two "doors" are located in Brazil, "Gates of Heaven" and is located in Tokyo, "the gates of hell." With the advent of the door, celestial bodies except the sun disappears from the sky, the sky is replaced by a "false sky." "Door" led to the emergence of contract and Doll and produce a variety of substances and mysterious species. Its interior is filled with special particles (the "gate" particles), a variety of physical phenomena have been distorted dead zones.

By contract

  • With the advent of the "door" by the human mutation from the super powers. Who became the contract without any reason, but random. A typical contract, its spirit is configured to egoistic rational thinking, will use the most effective way to achieve the purpose, it is generally appear callous. Contract who must pay for the ability to use the "price" (or changes in their enforcement actions), which is the origin of "contract persons" in the name. Contracts may hold the same capacity, but the content and method of payment of the price has varied. There is no absolute correlation between capacity and price.

  • Contract and false stars in the sky-one correspondence. There spectral response when the ability to use, the time of death into a meteor fall. Typically analyzed via the astronomy department contract star who would be arranged for a Messier number. Contract's ability to launch another sign of the phenomenon is the pupil in red, the body releases a blue la Horno Putnam emit light.

  • I have not paid the price of the contract who will become "delayed payers (Moratorium)", unable to control their abilities, and ultimately become the complete loss of self Doll.


  • Contracts are similar, the same as a "door" which comes from human mutation, also with the "door" in the eradication and extinction. Looks completely lost the feeling and sense of ownership, such as dolls in general, we did not receive instruction can not own action.